Leila M. Ortiz

Preacher | Teacher | Speaker

Ep. 9: Awake, O Sleeper, to EQUITY

On this episode, we welcome Bianca Vázquez, social activist and community organizer, as we engage how God is inviting us to awake to our agency around issues of equity.

Here are some ways to learn more about the opportunities discussed in this episode:

1. Volunteer with Beloved Community Incubator -- Bring your skills, time, and energy to work with current worker-owners in training. E-mail belovedcommunityincubator@gmail.com

2. Bring a training to your congregation -- Whether on Racial equity or Neighborhood listening campaigns, members of the Organizing for Mission Network can bring skilled practitioners to offer training. E-mail ofmnetwork@gmail.com

3. Bring Beloved Community Incubator & Dulce Hogar to your congregation. Hear directly from worker-owners about building cooperatives and engage in a conversation about building a more just and equitable local economy. 

4. Share about Dulce Hogar Cleaning Cooperative -- You can find them on Facebook here or visit their website at dulcehogarcleaning.com.

Ep. 5: Awake, O Sleeper, from FEAR

We welcome Rozella Haydée White, The Love Big Coach and author of “Love Big” as we begin our Lenten Devotional Series: Awake, O Sleeper. This series is inspired by Ephesians 5:14, “Awake, O Sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ’s light will shine on you.” In this episode we engage how God is inviting us to awake from fear.

Ep. 3: Discovering Grace

Join me in welcoming Katie Simbala to the show. Katie identifies as a bisexual woman and is in a polyamorous relationship. And even while she has endured unrelenting words of rejection and damnation from the Pentecostal community that raised her, she remains passionate about Jesus, the church, and the move of the Holy Spirit.

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Leila M. Ortiz

Phone: (410) 929-0596

Email: LaLuthercostal@gmail.com